The Howard Stern Show

You'll find me on Howard 100 on your SiriusXM dial weekday mornings. I'm also the Executive Producer of Howard 101

Proving my geekiness to JJ Abrams.

I made Nick Kroll laugh.


  1. John
    Check out WNBC this morning. Chris Cimino (weather guy) threw out first pitch last night. Said on air (after they complemented him on his pitch) that he was nervous & didn't want to "Baba Booey it"!!!!!

  2. They say that Hein sight is 20/20. sHein on you crazy diamond.

  3. Will you be co-hosting the wrap up show again upon return from summer break 2022?

  4. Where u @, Jon Hein? Was expecting to hear you on the first wrap up show after a summer off.

  5. The Wrap Up Show desperately needs you back. It’s a train wreck without you.

  6. As the creator of the wrap up show, Jon Hein's astute perceptions, humor and intelligence anchored the show and gave it credibility. He's a talented broadcaster. I looked foreward to the wrap up show every day. Without him, I'm no longer interested and no longer listen.
